Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our testimony booklet is here!

They wrote up my husband and my story of how we met and got married after knowing each other three weeks as well as how we met our Messiah.  A lot of the miracles were taken out due to space.  I still would like to raise the money to publish a full version of my testimony which I have already written out.  I was thinking of self-publishing it but need about 3000 to get it done right. In the mean time, feel free to order and read this wonderful book.  Note, none of the proceeds  go to Cyril or I but do go to the ministry of Jews for Jesus who were the ones who published the booklet and put a lot of time into editing it.  Very thankful for the hard work they did in getting it together.  Esp Ruth Rosen.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An old testimony of our homeschool journey..just found it online..this is when I had two children, not three!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy and Healthy Kids in a Crazy World?

April 17, 2007

All my life, I grew up thinking that someday, I would "be somebody." We, women are taught from the time we are in elementary school that we can be anything a man can be and more. Then, we spend thousands of dollars, time and energy in universities studying for a profession. We may even get to work in that profession for a while. But once we have children, everything changes……..

Yes, we can continue to work and many women do for various reasons BUT something suffers. Usually BOTH work and homelife are compromised. In addition, women are stressed, tired and their health is at risk. Now the choice that I was blessed to choose (because I know some have no choice) was stay home and be there as much as I can for my children.

A woman is so excited when she has a baby. As soon as she is pregnant, she looks forward to having that child in her arms. What she doesn’t realize is how much her life changes after that baby. From waking up in the middle of the night to feed that child repeatedly, to changing stinky diapers, to running in and out of the shower quickly because the baby is crying for you, to not being able to even go to the bathroom alone–it is an adjustment to say the least. One, most of us are not prepared for. In addition, most of us don’t live near our families anymore. Personally, living on the westcoast is across the continent from my parents in NYC. However, even those that do live near our family have a hard time getting along with them around the children. Why? Because our parents learned things differently then we did and do things differently.

My mother didn’t breastfeed at all. She was told formula was superior. She can’t understand why I would breastfeed. She thinks I am "crazy." My grandmother-in-law was taught to let babies cry because it’s good for their lungs, even when they are newborn and hungry! One family member says to make the child finish everything on their plate and the other doesn’t. One grandparent wants to give the child candy to make them their friend and the other is complaining how "chubby" the child’s getting.So how can we produce happy and healthy kids in a world that doesn’t even know what that looks like?  Stay tuned as I share more ideas…….

Home All Day--Now what?

April 18, 2007
I remember when I quit my job to stay home with my children. I would call my husband a thousand times through out the day just to hear an adult voice. Then, we joined the YMCA mommy and me classes. That was fun with the first child. We would sing songs, do parachute time, do swimming. But when you have more then one kid, it can get pricey to go to gymboree, music and gymnastic classes. Also, the older child doesn’t seem to enjoy sitting around 1 yr olds singing itsy bitsy spider. And mommy and me swimming? Well, that’s out of the question at this point.So does a mom do with her children who are too young to be schooled? Here are some helpful ideas! Feel free to post your own!

We start our day by playing music. We change the music often. Sometimes its worship songs. Other times, it’s aerobic cds from when I used to teach aerobics. Sometimes, it’s the freeze dance. I try to time how long we listen. At least a half hour. We dance around, do aerobics, jump on the bed! Yes! If I could afford it, I’d buy a trampoline, one for each of my children! Sometimes, I let my 4 yr old be the aerobic teacher. She tells me what to do and we do it. This is one way to praise the Lord and get your exercise in!

Next, we lie in bed and read a children’s bible. Now sometimes it’s not in this order. Sometimes we read our bible first and dance second, depending on our mood.

Third, we eat breakfast. Oatmeal with soy milk, cereal with soy milk, fresh fruit, egg beaters with veggies and once in a while pancakes. I try to have my daughter help with the prep process.

By now it’s almost 9:30AM. Time to dress and shower.Then, what? Here are some ideas:

Coloring, art projects, playdough, blocks, puzzles, games, books, hide and seek, freeze dance again, cars for the little one, dolls for the older one, gears, gears, gears, lincoln logs, ball, volleyball, soccer, ride a bike, do an exercie video, play a computer game (the learning kind) or go on an outing….Parks, museums, the zoo, the beach, walk around the neighborhood with a paper bag and find things, indoor play structures, music classes, mommy and me at the parks and recs, the library, playdates with friends.

1 PM–time for the little ones nap and quiet time for the older child. This is my favorite time to read a bible, a book, a devotion and just rest!

3PM–have a snack and time to clean the house. I usually will pick one room and try to get it tidy as can be. The kids love to help, esp when it comes to laundry. Teach them young!

Now, it’s time to prepare dinner. Again, the older one can help. The younger one may have to play pretend kitchen.After dinner, you got bathtime, book time prayer time and bedtime! It goes quickly!

Tips: Sometimes my kids get wound up in the bath at night and I give them one during the day.I find my daughter cleans her room better in the morning then at night.

Rod and Staff makes great preschool workbooks!
Hallellujah Acres makes cleaning products that are hazard free. has really fun toys! I just found out about them. We just bought a game on manners good for ages 5 and up. They have moon shoes that have trampolines on them–on my wishlist!

Kids are happier when they get sunshine and exercise. When they pray and read the bible too!Programs with child programs for the young: MOPS International (Mothers of and CBS, Community Bible Study). I LOVE CBS! It’s a bible study for people of all denominations and has a great children’s program!

Some more health tips to lose weight and keep it off

I read the book "Healthy at 100" and it helped tremendously!
There has never been a culture that is vegan. The four cultures who live over 100 eat either fish or drink raw goat’s milk. I put wild salmon into my diet, some organic yogurt, and eggs(free range). I ended up going on the rawfoodbootcamp diet and have lost almost 20 pounds. However, with the holidays, I haven’t been motivated to get on the scale.
Things that have helped me to keep the weight off:
1. When hungry, eat raw!
2. Up the cardio–walk an hour a day or do 60 min cardio video like a walk video by Leslie Sansone
3. I just watched a dvd made by a dad how to stay fit at home. I think it’s called Weightless Fitness. So I incorporating quats, lunges, abs, push-ups, seated wall squats, tricep dips and calf raises to my work out every other day and have noticed a difference
4. He recommends doing at least 4 cardio blasts during the hour work out where you can hardly breathe such as jump rope or jumping jacks
5. When I eat just fruit for breakfast and a salad for lunch-I do the best!

Finding Contentment

I wrote this article and started sending it to publishers.
This article was eventually published in Above Rubies magazine. A free magazine that inspires mothers to be who they are meant to be!
Before I was married, there was always this longing to find a man to fulfill the need I had to take away my loneliness. I didn’t have a good relationship with my family so that need for a man to love me was even greater than most.

After meeting and marrying my soul mate in Hawaii, we settled down to a happy life in California. “Happily ever after” right? Well, on most days. But now there was a new concern—what happened to all of my single friends?Suddenly all my friends who were single were not spending the time with me that I would have liked. Soon, God brought more married couples for us to fellowship with. Somehow though, I still wasn’t complete. According to these new friends, we hadn’t arrived yet because we had to have the dream home and the children to go with it. My husband wasn’t ready to settle down with a home yet and we were seen as odd or out of place.

After being married for a while, God blessed us with children despite being told I was infertile. First a beautiful daughter, Gabriella and then three years later, a son, Daniel. At first, the work of taking care of a baby was overwhelming. Again, it seemed my old friends who didn’t have children stopped coming by. If I couldn’t talk to them at 10 PM at night about their relationship problems, I guess I wasn’t good enough to be friends with them by their standards. But again, God brought me some new beautiful friends to spend time with. These friends had children like me. I thought I had finally arrived until…..

These friends started getting to their third, fourth and fifth children and I still could not get pregnant after two. Is something wrong with me? Why the sadness of heart? I have two beautiful children and a wonderful husband yet I thought I needed more. My friend on the other hand was content with one child but not content with her living situation. She thought she needed a much bigger house for her smaller family.Then, there’s the friend with the two children, dog and the picket fence, but now they can’t make their budget and she has to find a job. Another friend is married with two children but wished her husband acted differently.

Suddenly, I found God bringing single friends into my life again and they were able to minister to me more than any other. One friend said it best. “Yes, I want to get married, but I don’t want to make it an idol. My focus needs to be on God.” This got me thinking! I had the husband and two children yet still wanted more. I was not content. Was I making having children an idol just like my friend made having a house an idol or a single person could make getting married an idol? I had never felt so convicted.

Also, the grass is always greener on the other side. Recently, a friend said to me to that she was so sick of people looking down on her because she was single. I almost laughed when she said that because in my circle, stay-at-home moms are always complaining that they are sick of people looking down on them because they stay home and don’t work.

Then there was an article I read recently about a working mom who was envious of her stay at home, homeschooling mom neighbor to find out that her life wasn’t all it appeared to be from the outside. Then, there’s the homeschool mom who envies the woman who gets to dress up in fine clothes and actually have money to get their hair and nails done.

My Pastor tells a story of a man who wanted new shoes but was thankful for the shoes he had when he saw a man across the street with no feet! It seems our human nature is to be discontent. Maybe it’s all the commercials, billboards, and movies telling us that we are not complete unless we have a body like Barbie, brains like Hillary Clinton, new cars, the “dream” home, all those new computer toys and the list goes on.

It is funny to read my daughter’s storybooks that were written a long time ago and see how excited a child got to receive a doll as a present. In one book, the child uses corn on the cob in place of a real doll and she could only look at her sister’s doll with jealousy.

Where has our society gone? Is this spiritual dilemma unique to our society and time or has it always been so?The Bible has a lot to say about contentment which tells me it is something God knew we would struggle with:

  1 Tim 6:8  “If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content.”

  1 Tim 6:6 says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

Phil 4:11-13“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me”

Ps 23:1“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

Psalm 17:15,"As for me, I will behold Thy face in Righteousness: I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness"

"Be content with your wages" (Luke 3:14).

There are many more scriptures than this. The bottom line is that in this time of recession, the American “dream” may just be that—a dream for many. Or was it ever a reality to begin with? We have been much more blessed than others in third world countries. What have you thanked God for lately?

I can thank God for many things but the most important thing I am thankful for is having a personal and living relationship with Him daily—knowing that He is there in times of uncertainty and even when things don’t go the way I would like it to go. He is a God of peace.

Being a Jewish believer in Jesus, many Jewish people ask me, “If Jesus is the Messiah, why didn’t He bring peace?” The answer is easy. He did bring peace for those who want it. It’s peace that lies in the heart, knowing that no matter where you are, God is in charge. Peace and contentment go hand in hand. When we start looking at others and what they have, we will lose our peace quickly. Maybe that’s why one of God’s Ten Commandments is “thou shall not covet thy neighbor?”

 May 2009 bring the peace and contentment you need for your given circumstances and may “God supply all your needs according to His riches.”

Note: After writing this article, I did get pregnant with our third blessing! God is good!

Baby Shower Blessing

I also got published in a mother magazine called "Bonded Together." The article is about doing a Baby Blessing instead of a Baby Shower. I sent in pictures too but for some reason they didn’t post the pics.Here’s the website:

Fun things to do on a rainy day

January 3, 2009 in Uncategorized by Rhonda | Permalink
The other day, the children and I sat around watching youtube videos of homeschoolers. It was quite funny but some of them were not so good so be careful before you click play. See how many stars it got first. If you want to be more cautious, Godtube has great videos. Our favorites are "the 12 crazy days of Christmas" and "Dad I am watching you." We also like the homeschool family song based on the Adam’s family song.

Other things to do on a rainy day for our family:Play board games like Candyland or Allowance.
Play cards like Go Fish
Toss around a balloon or ballColor (Find pic of things they like online such as cars for boys and princesses for girls)
Build BlocksBake a pie or cook a new meal in a recipe book
Take a bubble bath
Put on some good music and dance, exercise or jumprope
Play hide and go seek
Count money or rubberbands
READ!!! We are currently reading Little House on the Prairie and Peter Rabbit.

My Testimony

I thought it is only appropriate to have my story of how a Jewish girl from NY came to believe in Jesus on here so here it is: (the very very very short version). My book should be coming out soon!

Nation Changers!

Today, I saw a bumper sticker that read, "Cats not kids"  Isn’t that sad?
Will the cats take care of that woman in her old age?

Also today, in a bible study I was a part of, the leader got up and said the lesson was so difficult because it was about God’s blessings on Abraham’s son,Isaac and his brother’s grandaughter, Rebekah. She didn’t have any grandchildren and it was hard for her to teach this.

One thing I learned from my lesson was that Abraham only had one son but God used him mightily. (Not including Ishmael) His brother had 8 sons from his wife plus 4 sons from another woman. Acc to that society, Abraham’s brother should be more blessed then Abraham but for God He only needs one to use powerfully. In this case, he used both families powerfully but in different ways.

For those of us with lots of children–wow–you really are Nation Changers!But for those (such as myself) struggling with infertilty or a smaller family size, God can still use ONE person to change the world. His power is greater than we are! I love what Nancy Campbell taught at a seminar–it takes one to cast out 1,000 demons and 2 to cast out 10,000 demons so imagine if we raise up our families to be prayer warriors how we can change things!!! God bless all of you nation changers!

God using one!

Someone told me that James Dobson was an only child and look how God used him!

Article on Contentment website has my article on contentment but not sure how long they keep it up for.

Beware of Home Businesses

Beware of Home Businesses–wow I am convicted!

February 14, 2009

WOW, after I posted about burn-out, I found this amazing article that a friend posted! From A Woman Who Fears The Lord website. She makes some important points to ponder before we decide to invest in a home business.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beware of Home Businesses! (or the danger of a working mother!)

 *NEW*I hope the title did not give a false impression that I’ll be giving the ins and outs of how to start and run a home business. What I desire to impart on these pages are the difficult lessons the Lord taught me during the 10 years my family ran Christian Curriculum Cellar from our home. My prayer is that my loss will be your gain.

Before I begin sharing I want to make something very clear. IF you and your husband are currently running a home business and IF your husband has ASKED you or has made his wishes clear that he wants you to CONTINUE running the business then PLEASE do not read any farther. BUT… If you (alone) are interested in starting a home business and if YOU (alone) feel that your family could use the extra money and if YOU (alone) think that your children could benefit in helping you run a home business then PLEASE continue reading.

 I began a home business in the cellar of our family home nearly 16 years ago. We called ourselves Christian Curriculum Cellar. The business steadily grew and became very successful. We shipped books across the United States and to missionaries in other countries. We owned the business for 10 years before selling it to a lovely Christian home schooling family.

I was often asked before I owned CCC to help young mother’s with curriculum planning. I remember the day perfectly that I had just come home from helping a young mother choose her curriculum and plan for the coming school year. I mentioned to my husband, as I reentered our home, that I wish there was a way I could make a little extra money doing what I loved. He offered $100.00 to help begin my dream. I knew there would not be a paying market for curriculum planning services but I thought that our area could definitely benefit from a used home school book business…. and a way we went!

Now, if you read over the above paragraph you probably missed two key factors in the start of our home business. The first one was my MOTIVATION behind starting the business and that was to make a `little extra money’. My main motivation in starting CCC was because I was not CONTENT with my husbands wages. Were we making the payments on all the bills? Yes! Were we going without anything our family really NEEDED? No! We had food on the table, clothes on our back and our bills were being paid on time. My main complaint was a lack of money to purchase gifts for my immediate family for their birthdays and the holidays. Most of our pennies were accounted for with little left over. In my lack of contentment I thought … if we just had a little bit more… then I`d be content!

 The second key was that the starting of the business was MY idea. My husband was not suggesting that I find some kind of business to make ends meet. He was content with my role in the home. The whole idea, temptation and lack of contentment had originated in me. I had it set in my mind that I MUST give gifts to my family whether my husband thought it important or not. Gift giving was extremely important in my family and was associated with love. Instead of resting in God’s providence and submitting to my husband’s leadership I sought to meet my own needs by making a ‘little extra money’.

Sixteen years ago the home school circles and magazines all promoted home businesses as THE ultimate in family training. It was part of the `perfect home schooling family’ ideal and if you wanted the BEST for your family you would find a way to start one. Everyone, so it seemed, was wanting to find a way to `bring their husband home.’ We were given many stories of family’s who were successfully running a home business and all the benefits that they had gained. Most of us bought this lie `hook, line and sinker’. I call it a `lie’ because years down the road I was able to talk candidly with many home business owners and many shared the burden that their businesses had caused their families and the time the business had stolen from training their children. Mothers were worn out, exhausted and full of regrets. They felt trapped. Children were resentful of the time the business demanded of their parents. I knew of a few home businesses that `seemed’ to be doing well but they had been started as a result of the husband’s initiative and on his talent, not the wife`s.

I remember one afternoon my youngest son coming down the stairs of our cellar while I was working on cataloging the books and cried, "Mom, when are you going to sell all these books?" He was probably about 10 at that time. He was upset that I was spending so much time on the business. I heard his cry but found myself confused as to what was ultimately best so I continued. Hadn’t the `experts’ said that this was best for my family? Wouldn’t the extra money bring some added relief to my family? Wouldn’t my children benefit from learning a trade? I remember thinking that things would get better and smooth out eventually. By the time I realized the effects of my `distraction’ my husband had already put a lot of money into the business. He did not feel that we could just walk away from it without getting back what we had invested. So, for the next 5 years I muddled through the best I could. I was overwhelmed from the work load. It was many years before I could afford to have someone work part-time in the store. The workload of the business mainly fell on my shoulders. At the same time I was running the business I was also finishing up home schooling my older 2 children and trying to get my younger one through high school. Along with those duties I was expected to tend to my husband’s needs, keep my home clean along with all my other household duties, keep an acre of land and oversee the care of the few pets we owned. I also did the dispatching and accounting for my husband’s trucking business. I began having health problems about 5 years into the business. I developed hernias from all the lifting. I also began having, what I thought to be, heart problems. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and I had difficulty catching my breath. I went to the Dr. and after running a battery of tests he concluded it was not my heart but good old fashioned anxiety! I was suffocating under the weight of my own workload.

Eventually, after 10 years, we were able to sell the business. I even dreaded selling it because I knew the amount of stress it would put on the next family. We found a family where the husband was the one who wanted to own the business and his wife would be helping. We felt comfortable with this arrangement knowing that the husband was initiating the purchase. They seem to have handled the stress well and are doing fine and the business is thriving. We were thankful to find such honest and godly people to hand over our customers.

So, here I am nearly 16 years later since CCC began and I finally believe I am at a place where I can write about my experience objectively. Many ask if I miss running the business and I never hesitate when I quickly answer NO. I miss my customers but I never miss the burden of all that came with it. This is what I share with mothers who ask if I would recommend starting a home business… don’t do it unless it’s your husbands command!

 As you read the list below I’d like you to notice that what I lost in running a home business were actual commands in Scripture. These commands were God’s specific will for my life. Because I `added` a home business (not God’s command or my husband’s) I squeezed out time to perform God’s specific commands. We have examples of women in Scripture who sold things and made money so we cannot say it is a sin for a woman to do so. But, we see no where in the New Testament that a woman is commanded to work outside her home or run a home business or even earn a living. Titus 2 says that she is to be guarding/keeping the home along with all the other commands found elsewhere in Scripture ( to use her gifts in the local church body, feed the poor, clothe the naked, love her children, wash the feet of the saints, be hospitable, love her husband, help the weak and on the on the list goes).

I’ve compiled a short, incomplete list under "How Should a Godly Woman Spend her Days". Husbands ARE given the command to provide for their household but wives are NOT given this command. 1 Tim. 5:8. If I am fulfilling all KNOWN specific commands (and who can say that they actual are?) then I doubt there will be much time left to pursue other interests. What I LOST in running a home business: * I neglected using my spiritual gifts in the local church. Eph. 4:10- 14 * I neglected fellowship with other believers in my church. Acts 2:42 * I neglected to meet the needs of the poor, widow and orphan in my church body. James 1:27, Matt. 25:36 * I neglected keeping my husband as a high priority. Everything runs second, third and four to keeping a business ALIVE. A home business can become a living, breathing nightmare (I once thought it was a dream) that has the potential to overtake every area of your life. Gen. 2:18.

Priorities become muddled and the business becomes #1 because it SCREAMS the loudest. The roles became reversed between my husband and I. Because I was struggling with the workload my husband became MY HELPER. No longer was I coming beside him and asking how I could be HIS helpmate but he was coming alongside me and asking how he could help ME. I was created to be his helper not the reverse.

Gen. 2:18 I neglected loving my children in a true, biblical way. There was little time to talk and share with each other. Every bit of time was spent working while the mother becomes more of a drill sergeant than a tender, nurturing caregiver. The mother is in `survival’ mode with nothing left to give to relationships because all has been given to the business. You can lose touch with your children’s hearts if you are overburdened with a heavy workload. I lost my younger son’s heart and it`s taken years to regain it. Quality of home school education was also lost. Titus 2:4 What I learned:

 * I LEARNED TO BE CONTENT with my husbands wages. When it looked like the Lord and my husband were going to allow me to be released from the business I remember asking the Lord to help me never forget this lesson. I would much rather find ways to cut back on living expenses to live within our means that to wander from my most important priorities in order to have a `little extra spending money’. I’ve learned that contentment rarely comes by addition but by subtraction of our desires.

 * I LEARNED TO BE CONTENT WITH MY LOT IN LIFE. I want to always remember that whatever money has been given to our household, through my husband’s labor, is GOD’S assigned portion and to be content. Ps. 16:5 If we are lacking it may be because I we’re wanting something that is not a necessity. As much as I love my immediate family, it was not worth giving up my highest priorities just to purchase gifts.

* I LEARNED TO KEEP FIRST THINGS FIRST. There are specific commands found in Scripture for a Christian woman. These must become a priority. IF there is time left over then she is allowed to pursue secondary things. (See upcoming article on KNOWING GOD’S WILL. Lord willing!) It’s been a long, hard journey which has consumed over a decade of my family’s life. I am so thankful that the Lord promises to work ALL things together for my good and His glory. (Rom. 8:28) He is our REDEEMER, not only in salvation but in all things. God has used my weaknesses and failings for good in spite of all we lost. He is a truly merciful God! Georgene Girouard Copyrighted 2006. You may copy this article in it’s entirety. Please include the website address. A Woman that Fears the Lord

Taken from this webpage

A good link about wealth is and is not!

A Message from David Wilkerson

A message written by David Wilkerson, who wrote the book "Cross and Switchblade."


I am compelled by the Holy Spirit to send out an urgent message to all on our mailing list, and to friends and to bishops we have met all over the world.AN EARTH-SHATTERING CALAMITY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.IT IS GOING TO BE SO FRIGHTENING, WE ARE ALL GOING TO TREMBLE-EVEN THE GODLIEST AMONG US.

For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires-such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago. There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting-including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath. In Psalm 11 it is written,"If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (v. 3).God is judging the raging sins of America and the nations. He is destroying the secular foundations.The prophet Jeremiah pleaded with wicked Israel, "God is fashioning a calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh, turn back each of you from your evil way, and reform your ways and deeds. But they will say, It’s hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his evil heart" (Jeremiah 18:11-12).In Psalm 11:6, David warns, "Upon the wicked he will rain snares (coals of fire).fire.burning wind.will be the portion of their cup." Why? David answered, "Because the Lord is righteous" (v. 7). This is a righteous judgment-just as in the judgments of Sodom and in Noah’s generation.


First, I give you a practical word I received for my own direction. Lay in store a thirty-day supply of food, toiletries and other essentials. In major cities, grocery stores are emptied in an hour at the sign of an impending disaster.As for our spiritual reaction, David says, "He fixed his eyes on the Lord on his throne in heaven-his eyes beholding, his eyelids testing the sons of men" (v. 4). "In the Lord I take refuge" (v. 1).I will say to my soul: No need to need to hide. This is God’s righteous work. I will behold our Lord on his throne, with his eye of tender, loving kindness watching over every step I take-trusting that he will deliver his people even through floods, fires, calamities, tests, trials of all kinds.Note: I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off. I have unburdened my soul to you. Do with the message as you choose.God bless and keep you.In Christ,DAVID WILKERSONDW:bbm 3-05-09 Here, in an earlier message, he’s talking about the rough times coming up in America, not just economically, racially, and within the moral divide – but deeper down, between God’s people (those that fear him) and non-God fearing people…


In perilous time like these, is the church powerless to do anything? Are we to sit and wait for Christ to return? Or, are we called to take drastic action of some kind? When all around us the world is trembling, with men’s hearts failing them for fear, are we called to take up spiritual weapons and do battle with the adversary? The prophet Joel saw a similar day approaching Israel, one of "thick darkness and gloom." According to Joel, the day of darkness that was approaching Israel would be one such as never seen in their history. The prophet cried, "Alas for the day! For the day of the Lord is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come" (Joel 1:15). What was Joel’s counsel to Israel in that dark hour? He brought this word: "Therefore.saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping and with mourning: and rend your heart and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him.?" (Joel 2:12-14). As I read this passage, I am most struck by two words: "Even now." As gross darkness fell over Israel, God appealed to his people: "Even now, at the hour of my vengeance-when you’ve pushed me out of your society, when mercy seems impossible, when humankind has mocked my warnings, when fear and gloom are covering the land-even now, I urge you to come back to me. I am slow to anger, and I have been known to hold back my judgments for a season, as I did for Josiah. My people can pray and petition for my mercy. But the world won’t repent if you say there is no mercy." Do you see God’s message to us in this? As his people, we can plead in prayer and he will hear us. We can make requests of him and know he will answer the sincere, effectual, fervent prayers of his saints David Wilkerson

Good book for children...

If you are looking for a book that is really encouraging, I recommend–Missionary Stories with the Millers! Feel free to add your favorites!

Conversation on a Yahoo Grp about Health and Fitness

"Here are some of my responses to different health questions. I cut and pasted. I am by no means an expert but I have read almost every nutrition book out there now! (Well, if that were possible).

"I just wanted to say I ordered two exercise videos recently for those days I can’t get outside for walks or to the gym. One is really hard and intense and just a great workout! It’s called The Firm The 500 calorie workout! The other one that is also fun is Jazzercise Live Total Body Dance Workout! I was getting So sick of my Leslie Sansone videos and they never got my heart rate up."

"It’s so funny, the more you read, the more you realize that there’s not much that is okay to eat!I mean, when you read Cousens book, the bottom line, is greens and beans and nuts. When I talked to Furhman last yr, his recommendation–greens and beans! Even Mercola says on his website he eats 90% raw greens!

Anyway, this morning, I juiced vegetable juice for the first time in a LONG time and I felt fabulous! In fact, I still feel GREAT!!!I did kale, apple, beet and added in two overflowing t-spoons of Spurilina that I bought a long time ago from which are the children of the Pearls. I would have added celery or cucumbers plus carrots but didn’t have any. The Kale did not juice that much so I wouldn’t recommend it again. Maybe collard greens would be better?

Well off to services. Actually, I am late. My husband went to a homeschool dad’s breakfast and never came home yet! It’s also his b-day today. Again, I feel fabulous after juicing.

I am taking a PCOS supplement that has that CoQ in it and also Bs and Ds.Ds are usually low this time of year.

Oh and what Trish said about Barley Green, Hallelujah Acres sells Barley Green and rec taking it for breakfast and two times a half hour before lunch and dinner. I used to do that all the time and I was slimmer back then. I have been thinking of purchasing some again but just haven’t had the money or time to get online and do it. Cousens rec either barley green, spirulina or chorella. Some high protein greens in your breakfast juice or smoothie."

Answers to questions about nails breaking and bones: 1–Furhman says that finger nails get weak from washing all those fruits and veggies. Are you using gloves? I also heard sesame seeds? I heard that’s good too.Not sure about 2 but if you think you are not getting enough protein (which is rare in America), then eat beans and nuts and seeds.For 3, I thought taking calcium is actually worse for you. I saw it on a Furhman video once how he showed that taking calcium makes you leak it out.

Hallelujah Acres has a search section too. By the way, I just finished reading the book, There is Cure for Diabetes by Gabriel Cousens. He is a famous health guru in Israel that people go to for healing. He is extremely New Age and out there spiritually. Here’s what he does with people.

First week:Vegetable Juice Feast (mostly greens and a beet or carrot and some high protein greens like spurilina)

Second week: Continue with juicing but add in salads and soups

Third Week: All of above but a little bit of low gylcemic fruit like berries and apples.  Some grains in moderation: beans, oatmeal, millet.

He says to stay away from olive oil because it has a bad affect on cardiovascular health! He rec other oils like sesame, coconut, red palm. (be careful with too much coconut oil or it’s bad for high blood pressure) Flax oil is good but you have to be careful it doesn’t go rancid.

Rec 80% raw. Says to stay away from dairy, soy and meat. Dairy causes cancer (acc to China Study), soy has links to cancer and meat is too acidic. (I don’t believe eating meat is a sin, just telling you what his book says). His diet is different in what I have been doing in many ways: 1-On raw food boot camp, I ate all the fruit I wanted. Here, he is saying low glycemic fruit only in moderation. Not more than two fruits a day.2-He says seeds, nuts are really good for you. But he still wants you to limit your fat to 15-20% a day. On raw food boot camp, I wasn’t allowed any nuts or seeds.3–He says to stay away from the cooked grains at least initially (but then in his recipe section has tons of recipes with beans and one with oatmeal!) I knew that whenever I ate wheat, I would get headaches.

He says for insulin resistance to def stay away from wheat! So these are all good eye openers for me! God bless in our search for health." Rhonda Gordon

A nation that doesn't honor children...

April 5, 2009

I am sorry. I saw this in another blog and had to repost here because it was very interesting…

Japan – This is What Happens to a Nation that Does Not Value ChildrenPosted in Quiverfull

This Major World Currency Is About to PlummetBy Tom Dyson "I had no place to stay and I wanted the police to take care of me," said the 79-year-oldJapanese woman. She had just slashed two people with a knife so the police would take her to jail. A "gray" crime wave is sweeping Japan. According to the UK‘s Independent, people over 65 years old make up 10% of Japan‘s prison population, the highest rate of incarceration for pensioners in the industrialized world. Another source reported Japanese pensioners were responsible for one in seven arrests last year, up from one in 25 a decade ago. The surge in "senior crime" is so dramatic, the Japanese government recently earmarked$80 million to build special wards at three prisons to accommodate the elderly. They arefitting these prison wards with metal walkers and support rails. Japan has the second-lowest birth rate in the industrialized world. The birth rate to sustaina population is 2.1 per woman.

In Japan, the birthrate has fallen below 1.2. Japan‘spopulation fell for the first year in 2005. By 2050, if trends continue, Japan‘s population will fall by 20%.

The other problem is life expectancy. It‘s going up in Japan. So the elderly are becoming the largest segment of Japan‘s population. Right now, 20% of Japan‘s population is over 65 years old. By 2050, 40% of Japan‘s population will be over 65 years old. In the U.S., the "65 and up" population makes up about 12% of society. "Gray" crime is one bi-product of Japan‘s demographics. Here‘s another byproduct in thesociety that ages and shrinks at the same time: It‘ll bankrupt the Japanese government.First, there‘s a much smaller workforce to pay taxes. The economy shrinks. Businesses pay less tax, too.

 Second, the elderly consume social security, health care, and pensionresources. These are costs to the government. As the senior population rises, theseliabilities increase. The elderly don‘t pay income taxes. Since its recession began 20 years ago, Japan‘s government has plowed trillions into itsbanking system via numerous bailout programs. In the last six months, for example,Japan‘s government has authorized three stimulus plans totaling around $100 billion. Thismonth, the Japanese government will give every person in Japan a check for 12,000 yen…about $120… to stimulate the economy. This program will cost the government another $20 billion. And this week, the Japanese prime minister suggested the largest bailout plan yet…putting the Japanese taxpayer on the hook for another $200 billion.

As a result of all this spending, the Japanese government has built up the world‘s mostcrippling debt load and budget deficit. Right now, the government of Japan owes $7.8trillion to creditors. That‘s $157,000 per person. This year, it‘ll have to borrow another $1.1 trillion to make ends meet. Government debt to GDP is the ratio economists use to compare the indebtedness ofcountries. The UK has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 48%. The U.S. has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 75%. Japan has a government debt-to-GDP ratio of 187%. Now Japan‘s economy is a shambles. For years, the Japanese have relied on exports tosupport their economy… but exports have dried up. In the last six months, Japan has lostalmost a quarter of a trillion dollars from the decline in its exports. In January, Japan‘sexports plunged 47%… producing a $9 billion trade deficit. This is Japan‘s first trade deficit in 13 years and its biggest deficit in 25 years. When you consider the debt, the bad economy, and the coming population problem, it‘s clear the Japanese government will never pay off the money it owes.

What's true? Having discernment!

I remember when I first became a believer in Y’shua (Jesus) that I didn’t know what to believe about certain issues. My Pastor taught you could never lose your salvation and the gifts are for today. My boyfriend at the time, a Pastor’s son of another denomination taught that you can lose your salvation and that the gifts have ceased! Who was right?

I asked my friend from Thailand and what did he say…"They are both wrong!" He said you can lose your salvation and the gifts are for today!

So how do you know the truth? How do you know if what your church is teaching is true?

READ THE BIBLE! Read it for yourself.

Don’t let other people determine your destiny! It won’t be them standing before you and God. It will be you standing before Him. Don’t take teachers, Rabbis and Pastors word for things! Read it yourself from cover to cover!

Don’t give up till you get the whole book through.I found it easier to start reading from the New Testament and then make my way to the Old Testament but also, one year read 4 chapters from the old and 4 from the new each day getting the entire bible through in a year.It’s never too late to start– that is, unless you are on your deathbed!If you have doubts about the Bible being true, some good books to read are: The Case for Christ and Evidence that Demands a Verdict.E-mail me for more book suggestions! I have lots esp for Jewish people!

Verdict is out: Raw best for PCOS

So I met somone on a mommy website who has PCOS too and was completely healed following three books advice. She e-mailed me one of the books and what did it say: Juice Fasting and at least 70% Raw!OK I know this but why do I know it in my head but can’t follow it at home!

Books for Your Jewish Friends

1. What the Rabbis Know about the Messiah
2. Betrayed
3. Footsteps of the Messiah
4. Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus
I am writing a book soon so please ask me when it comes out!
Matched by Messiah just came out by Jews for Jesus. It is my husband and my testimony and sells for five dollars as of this writing.
Also, like the book Future Hope and Not Ashamed.

What about Socialization

What about Socialization in Homeschooling?

Posted in Common Homeschooling Questions or Concerns

This is one of the most common questions asked about homeschooling – in fact, it’s often the very first question asked by concerned friends, grandparents, or other family members when they find out you intend to homeschool your children. Their concern is that by taking your children out of an institutionalized school setting, you are depriving them of important social interaction, leaving them unable to cope in the real world.  

There are two answers to this question. The first answer is short and sweet, but does not address the fundamental problem. The second answer is a little longer, but addresses a critical misunderstanding that surrounds the issue of homeschoolers and socialization.

The Easy Answer: The first answer to the socialization question is that there are plenty of opportunities for socializing in a homeschool setting. Nearly all homeschoolers have access to a support network of some kind, most of which have regular meetings, outings, and sometimes even group studies. These and other opportunities abound, to the point that some homeschoolers hardly spend any time at home!

The Best Answer: A better answer is to challenge your questioner’s definition of "socialization." Normally, they’re concerned that your children won’t have adequate time with other children their own age. Frankly, this is not a good definition.

True socialization would involve helping your children learn how to interact with other people of all ages.  After all, after graduation, most people are never again in an environment of "age-equality."

From the perspective of preparing our children for real life, it’s easy to see that the typical classroom environment is artificial socialization at best, and outright anti-social at worst. Contrasted with a school classroom, the lives of the average homeschool family are fabulously socialized. Between church, trips to the store with Mom, family meals, and a plethora of other scenarios, opportunities abound for homeschooled children to learn how to interact, not only with children their own age, but also with adults, children younger or older than themselves, the elderly, peers, relatives, and authority figures.

Homeschoolers should be careful not to accept a flawed definition of "socialization." Some homeschoolers are beginning to answer the socialization question too thoroughly, based on this flawed definition, by taking part in far too many extra activities. While some extra activities are good and healthy, there is a very real tendency to go too far and place our children in some of the same compromising social settings we dislike about public schools.

Remembering what true socialization is will help us keep our perspective clear and our priorities straight! Published in Homeschool Enrichment Magazine

Answers about Jewish Culture by a Messianic Jew

Someone e-mailed me for a college research paper. I thought it was so interesting, I thought I’d post my answers.

Here’s her e-mail to me:"I am first year graduate student taking a diversity class at A P U. I was asked to look at another culture other than my own, based on stereotypes, and misconceptions, so I chose Jewish culture. I visited the Museum of Tolerance, and I wanted to know more about Jewish culture. Part of the reason is because I am apart of the Judeo-Christian faith, but have no real knowledge of Judaism of the culture."

My name is Rhonda and my college background: BA from City University of New York College of Staten Island and MS from Chaminade University of Honolulu

1. If asked by a non-Jewish person what you cherish about Judaism, what would you say?

That God has protected us through the years. In every century, someone has tried to kill us but God has kept his hand upon us and kept his promise to make us as numerous as the stars of the sky. We have a rich heritage.

2. What do you believe or think about God and does this hinder you academically in any way?

Since I am a messianic Jew, a Jew who believes in Jesus, my thinking about God may be different than mainstream Judaism. I believe God is real and has a plan and purpose for my life. I studied all my life to be a psychologist and I did do counseling for a while but I believe God wants me to stay home with my children. I am not against working but I think my main job is to be with the children and be a good wife and mom. As a result, I have not gone all the way to the PhD like I wanted to originally. Maybe, someday, I still will but right now, I am perfectly happy being where I am. I feel I can help people more by reading them the Bible than I ever could by studying psychology. I am not saying all psychology is bad but the Bible has a lot of wisdom to offer.

3. What has Judaism taught you that will help me understand your culture?

In "rabbinic" judaism they are waiting for the Messiah to come. They believe that when the Messiah comes, then there will be peace on earth. In Messianic Judaism, we believe that the Messiah came and He is Jesus, Y’shua. Born a Jew by blood lineage. Born from the descendent of Jacob. Line of Judah. In the Tenach, Old Testament, there are scriptures that talk about a suffering servant who dies for the sins of the world, who is lowly and riding on a donkey, who’s beard is pulled out as well as scriptures about a Messiah who will reign as king and bring everlasting peace. We believe that Jesus filfilled the scriptures about the Messiah being a suffering servant and when he returns again, He will bring peace on earth. For now, He brings peace to the hearts of men that believe in Him. Even though the Rabbis will try to say we are no longer Jewish when we believe in Jesus, we are still Jewish because we are descendants of Jacob and for the first 100 years of Christianity, most of the believers in Jesus were Jewish, not Gentile (which means the Nations).

When we believe in Jesus as a Messianic Jew, we still remain Jewish through the blood line. We can still celebrate the biblical holidays like Passover that Jesus celebrated when He was on this earth. We believe that in the last days, the nation of Israel will recognize Y’shua, Jesus as the Messiah. For now, there are only a remnant.

4. How do you feel about diversity on your campus?
As a Jewish person do you feel like you are being treated well?

When I lived in NY, I never had a problem. However, one semester, I went to school in central FL and I was told to get up from the table because I am Jewish. I was also called bad names for being Jewish. I was very turned off by these people and couldn’t wait to go back to NY. I couldn’t believe anti-semitism still exists in the south but it does. Although this turned me off to Christianity, (this was before I was a messianic Jew), I realized after reading the Bible that these people are not real Christians.

A real Christian believes what Jesus preached, "To love God and love one another."

Most Jewish people think that Christians hate them but a true Christian according to the Bible could never hate a Jewish person because their Messiah is Jewish! It was in Hawaii, while going to gradschool that I met Messianic Jews and saw more of God in their lives than in any other synagogue.

All the other denominations were plagued with tradition and ritual but in the messianic congregation I went to (They are not all the same), they had a personal relationship with God and had love for God, love for Israel, love for Jewish people and love for all people. It was their love that won me over. But then again, I saw that Y’shua fuflilled 333 prophecies of how you can recognize the Messiah when you see Him!

Found a Gem Health Book

I have read almost every book out there and finally found a good one! It’s called Perfect Health the natural way and the writer is a Christian. Her name is Mary-Ann Shearer.Some of her tips:Eat three peices of fruit every morning for breakfast with nothing elseEat avocado every day to kick cravings for fat If you are a vegetarian, eat nuts 3 times per week (about a half a cup)Don’t mix protein and carbsEat 80% rawIf you can, try to stay away from dairy and gluten. It takes 6 weeks to see if you are gluten intolerant.

More nutritional discernment!

(Wrote this in 2008)

So last night I was reading a health testimony of a woman who is a super-model. She was 34 and her body was breaking down and she was embarrassed and hiding behind rocks. She didn’t want to come out in her bathing suit for a photo shoot because she was so bloated. She saw the girls in their 20′s and everyone giving them lots of attention and she realized that she just wasn’t like that girl anymore.

Ok, so I can really relate to this girl. Don’t forget I was a super aerobic instructor. People begged me for personal instruction. People swarmed to my classes. One class in Hawaii had 75 people!!! Here I am 35 and two kids later and people have asked me everything from "when are you due" to "what are you eating to make you look like that" to "do you have a hormonal disorder?" My husband tells me to wear baggy shirts as to not embarrass myself, esp when I am dancing for the Lord.

So what is her secret to changing this decay? She went on a raw food diet! But here is the interesting thing…she went to see this naturopathic dr in LA who told her to be raw but not vegan! He wants her to have raw dairy, fish and she’s allowed organic meat. He actually took her hair and tested it to see what diet was right for her. Who knows how much this costs?

But anyway, it is interesting because after reading almost every diet book out there now, I have come to the conclusion that raw is best but vegan is not. But the dairy should be raw because of the China Study and low mercury fish should be fine because, hey, the Okinawas eat fish from polluted waters and live over 100 (but also eat 10 servings a day of raw veggies). Anyway, this lady looked outrageous. I am not trying to look like her. I just want to regain my health. She doesn’t do 100% raw but 80%. So I think I am finally figuring out what I should do. I am loading up on the raw veggies and fruit but also eating salmon, organic eggs and raw dairy! Sounds healthy I hope?So far, the only diet I ever had success on is Rawfoodbootcamp!

Schools fostering obesity--another reason to homeschool!

Could it be that our schools are actually suspect number one in fostering obesity andchronic illness? Watch the video — Willie and Dr. McDougall explain:

Marriage Advice

A friend of mine e-mailed me this advice given from her Pastor, often from the pulpit:" I’ll save you $20,000 in counseling fees! Wives, submit to your husbands and husbands LOVE your wives as Christ loved the church and gave His life for her."

Relieving Gerd/Other questions answered about Juiceplus

Somone just wrote me about juiceplus. Here is my response:

Hi Rhonda,I was wondering if Juice Plus might help my brother – he’s unable to eat most fruits and veges because of his GERD. I think he’s now suffering from a deficiency – his gums have been swollen for a month now.Can you e-mail me (or mail me?) some basic info? Thank you, JS


Here is one article I pulled up for him. I highly recommend he get on juiceplus ASAP. You can let him know that my friend’s who’s mother passed away from cancer and went to cedar sinai hospital and spoke with the top dr there. She asked him, "what can I do to prevent cancer?" and he told her, "Take juiceplus!"

It is recommended that we should be eating 10 servings of raw veggies a day to prevent cancer. If he is not eating any, he is on his way to be getting cancer. Juiceplus has 17 servings of fruits and veggies. It is scientifically proven to change your DNA! The top drs in the country are all recommending juiceplus and in Germany, almost all the people distributing it are doctors! If your brother cares about his health, he should try it for 4 months and see if he sees improvement. One lady gave it to her grandchild and it actually changed the coloring of his skin. He was very pale before that! One friend was sick all the time because she flies a lot but hasn’t got sick as much. It takes 4 months for the blood cells to change so that is why it’s recommended to take it for at least 4 months. Here is some info and then see my website below:

.. Results of Juice Plus+® Clinical ResearchClinical studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals have demonstrated that: a.. Juice Plus+ delivers key phytonutrients that are absorbed by the body. Investigators at the Tokyo Women’s Medical University and the Medical University of Vienna studied the bioavailability (absorption by the body) of select nutrients found in Juice Plus+ and concluded that Juice Plus+ effectively increases antioxidant nutrients and folate. Other published studies have also shown various phytonutrients in Juice Plus+ are bioavailable. These studies were conducted by independent researchers at the University of Sydney in Australia, King’s College in London, Brigham Young University, the University of Arizona, and the University of Texas Health Science Center. a.. Juice Plus+ reduces oxidative stress. Several of these bioavailability studies also reported improved antioxidant capacity and reduced lipid peroxides, a key indicator of oxidative stress. In addition, researchers at the Medical University of Graz, Austria and the University of North Carolina, Greensboro found that Juice Plus+ Orchard, Garden and Vineyard Blends together were effective in reducing a marker for oxidative stress associated with aerobic exercise.> a.. Juice Plus+ helps support a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system protects the body, and good nutrition is important for a healthy immune system. Published clinical research indicated that Juice Plus+ supports several measures of immune function – in law school students at the University of Florida and in elderly people in a study conducted at the University of Arizona. a.. Juice Plus+ helps protect DNA. A diet rich in nutrition from fruits and vegetables is also important to protect DNA from oxidative damage, which can weaken the structural integrity of DNA. DNA becomes damaged and fragile when exposed to oxidative stress; antioxidants from fruits and vegetables can help protect DNA from this damage. Studies conducted have shown a reduction in DNA damage after taking Juice Plus+ in young adults at the University of Florida and in an elderly population at Brigham Young University. a.. Juice Plus+ positively impacts several key indicators of cardiovascular wellness. Homocysteine is an amino acid that is found in the blood. Maintaining healthy homocysteine levels is important for the heart and cardiovascular system. A clinical study at the University of Sydney in Australia reported a reduction in homocysteine levels – even though the levels of the Australian subjects were already within an acceptable range. Researchers in Foggia, Italy also found a reduction of homocysteine levels in subjects with elevated levels of homocysteine. Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine found that subjects who consumed Juice Plus+ were better able to maintain the elasticity of arteries, even after a high-fat meal. Investigators at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine monitored several measures of vascular health in a low risk population who took Juice Plus+ for two years and noted various improvements with no adverse side effects Rhonda Gordon, MS Helpmeet to Cyril, Supermom to Gabriella and Daniel JuicePlus+: the world’s #1 best selling Whole-Food nutrition support systemPeer-reviewed Research & Product Orders at: Free Children’s Health program: See Our Business at: Cel: 310-617-3685 Voice-Com (24 Hour voicemail): 1- 800-485-5861 "There is nothing else available any place in the world-with or without a prescription-that has been clinically proven to do what Juice Plus+ does." - Richard DuBois, M.D.

Another Praise for Raw Eating

This was posted on one of the yahoo groups I am on:Just last week, I found out about a documentary film called Simply Raw. This film follows 6 diabetics (both type 1 and type 2) as they travel to a healing center where they live for a month, eating only raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Their transformation was AMAZING! By day 3 many of the people were off of insulin ENTIRELY, and the others had cut down dramatically. I don’t want to ruin the surprise of how it all turns out, but I can tell you that I am completely convinced that diabetes can be cured by changing what we’re eating. If you or someone you love is a diabetic or is at risk for it, I would definitely encourage you to check out this film. comes with some wonderful downloadable bonus items as well.Enjoy!

What is the healthiest diet?

May 4, 2009

Here is a debate between two of my favorite health gurus.Enjoy!

Muslims are taking over the world

Someone just sent me this link. This is not to condemn anyone. This is just to make us aware of how the world is changing. It is believed by some Christians that the Muslims will be the greatest persecutors of the Christian faith in the last days


Let me know what you think! For me, it changes your whole perspective and focus of how you want to raise your children and prepare them for the days that lie ahead.

A new article published, A Day At Our House

June 3, 2009

Click below to see the article that I had scanned on my old blog...


5 top parenting advice taken from the Duggars

What are your top five best parenting tips? (For parents with families of all sizes.)

Teach our children to love God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength, and memorize God’s word together as a family.

Teach them to have a servant’s heart, leading by your example.

Love your neighbor as yourself.

Daily read the Proverb of the Day that corresponds with the day of the month and discuss it as a family.

Diligently keep up with each child’s attitudes and actions and ask what is going on in their heart. Pray with them one on one letting them lead in prayer and then you closing the prayer time together.

Ask God to help you conquer anger because it can destroy your relationship with your children.

Praise them ten times more than you correct them.

I took this from the Duggars website. They just had their 18th child. I just finished their book. Very inspirational!

Another tidbit of information on health...

I was listening to Paul Nison on RawMOM Summiit. He was excellent and I found out he’s a believer in Yeshua which makes me evern more excited! He was saying that a long time ago, people ate only two meals a day: breakfast and lunch which was called dinner. Once, people started working long hours and didn’t have time to eat lunch, they would drink a drink at lunch and then at supper, they would have something light like soup. He says we are eating way too much now. Not only three meals a day but snacks in between! He says we really shouldn’t be eating more than two meals a day. I also heard this advice from Gabriel Cousens although he didn’t reccommend that for children.

How to not have a backslidden teenager

This was posted on’s blog. She gave me permission to repost here:

How NOT to have backslidden teenagers

It is Friday evening and your young people are going to the movies. Do you know what they are watching? Do you care? Do you know who they are going with? Would you go with them? Do you know what it is rated and what is in it? Here is a short excerpt of an email I just received.

This summer, our sons and daughters have a lot of choices when it comes to what movies are playing at the local theater. It almost seems this year several new movies are coming out each week. It’s clear to me that the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) does a very poor job in the ratings department, and an even worse job is letting parents know what objectionable content is in a particular movie. For example, a young lady I know recently posted on her Facebook page that she was going back to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen for a second time. Her parents had no idea that this PG-13 film contains extensive sexual scenes, violence, drug use, and 37 strong profanities. And, her Christian parents were shocked to learn that the Hollywood blockbuster used God’s name in vain 19 times!

As moms, it’s important that we know what our children and grandchildren are being influenced by. If we are going to trust the MPAA to do it for us, we’re in big trouble. I am sure I know way too many people who have seen that movie already, and let’s just say I am ashamed if you liked it. And even more than shocked that they paid for it. God help us. But that isn’t what I am really sharing about here. I am wanting to share how NOT to have backslidden teenagers.

First of all, around here we don’t call them teenagers. The word teenager is a social term, it doesn’t mean an age group, it means a cultural group. It reminds us of rebellion and peer pressure and no respect for parents, immoral activity, drugs, sex and rock and roll, reckless driving and being “cool” at all costs. Tell me if I am wrong. I didn’t think so. Now if teenagers are what you want with you as a testimoney “here I am , I and the children God has given me” (Isaiah 8:18) then go right ahead. I choose to live for a higher cause. I believe my children will change the world for the better. That is what I have given my life for. That is my contribution to God’s Kingdom. That is my cause worth dying for. I have written tons of articles on this subject that have been published in several places so I won’t repeat everything, but here are my top 30 tips on how NOT to have a rebellious teenager.

Raise them with the truth
set an example
walk in the light
don’t call them teenagers
pay attention to what they do as if their life depends on it
love them like a parent,
like them like a friend
take time for them do things they want to do, not just things you want to do
sacrifice for the cause
pray instead of sleeping
know what they are doing and who they are talking to
audit your cell phone bill OFTEN
be their friend on facebook
pray without ceasing and fast when needed
make their interests YOUR interests
become friends with their friends
ask God for discernment and use it take time for them encourage them in what is right remind them that being right with God is more important than being cool with their friends
remind them sometimes if they need new friends
have household rules not suggestions
don’t waiver on what God says is right
tell them you love them OFTEN and make sure they know it is true
remember the goal is to live for the Kingdom not for the flesh
hold them accountable
teach them responsibility, especially during the summer months, summer does not mean “free for all” remind them we are to change the world not have it change us
remind them of eternity
LOVE them, LOVE them, LOVE them
Remember we are raising young people to become adults who will contribute to God’s Kingdom and the community around them.
added note- as a parent I am not here to be Hitler in my young people’s lives, my goal is not to govern them but rather to be an Aaron, holding their arms up and encouraging them to follow God’s voice. We are all on the same side.

Is God against war?

Is God against war?
July 26, 2009

A Christian friend of mine was debating this topic with another friend on facebook. I thought it was such a good discussion, I wanted to post parts of it here:

Ms M’s response: Many people make the mistake of reading what the Bible says in Exodus 20:13, “You shall not kill,” and then seeking to apply this command to war. However, the Hebrew word literally means “the intentional, premeditated killing of another person with malice; murder.”

God often ordered the Israelites to go to war with other nations (1 Samuel 15:3; Joshua 4:13). God ordered the death penalty for numerous crimes (Exodus 21:12, 15; 22:19; Leviticus 20:11). So, God is not against killing in all circumstances, but only murder.

War is never a good thing, but sometimes it is a necessary thing. In a world filled with sinful people (Romans 3:10-18), war is inevitable. Sometimes the only way to keep sinful people from doing great harm to the innocent is by going to war.

In the Old Testament, God ordered the Israelites to: “Take vengeance on the Midianites for the Israelites” (Numbers 31:2). Deuteronomy 20:16-17 declares, “However, in the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them…as the LORD your God has commanded you.”

Also, 1 Samuel 15:18 says, “Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; make war on them until you have wiped them out.” Obviously God is not against all war. Jesus is always in perfect agreement with the Father (John 10:30), so we cannot argue that war was only God’s will in the Old Testament.

God does not change (Malachi 3:6; James 1:17). Jesus’ second coming will be exceedingly violent. Revelation 19:11-21 describes the ultimate war with Christ, the conquering commander who judges and makes war “with justice” (v. 11). It’s going to be bloody (v. 13) and gory. The birds will eat the flesh of all those who oppose Him (v. 17-18). He has no compassion upon His enemies, whom He will conquer completely and consign to a “fiery lake of burning sulfur” (v. 20).

It is an error to say that God never supports a war. Jesus is not a pacifist. In a world filled with evil people, sometimes war is necessary to prevent even greater evil. If Hitler had not been defeated by World War II, how many more millions of Jews would have been killed? If the American Civil War had not been fought, how much longer would African-Americans have had to suffer as slaves?

War is a terrible thing. Some wars are more “just” than others, but war is always the result of sin (Romans 3:10-18). At the same time, Ecclesiastes 3:8 declares, “There is…a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” In a world filled with sin, hatred, and evil (Romans 3:10-18), war is inevitable. Christians should not desire war, but neither are Christians to oppose the government God has placed in authority over them (Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:17).

The most important thing we can be doing in a time of war is to be praying for godly wisdom for our leaders, praying for the safety of our military, praying for quick resolution to conflicts, and praying for a minimum of casualties among civilians on both sides (Philippians 4:6-7).

PCOS Solutions

I recently had an article called, Finding Contentment, published in an Above Rubies magazine. I have been getting swamped with e-mails about what things helped me with PCOS. Last yr I had cysts all over both of my ovaries and I bled for 4 weeks straight! Now, I am pregnant with our third and no cysts. I did mention in that article that an elder of my congregation annoited me with oil and prayed over me in Y’shua (Jesus) name and that week, I conceived!

These are also some other things I did to try to help my body along:

1. On Dr Mercola’s website, he said there was a connection between Vit D deficiency and PCOS so I decided to have my dr check my D level and it was low!

2. There are herbs that you can take from Insulite Labs that help with cysts and infertility, etc  Glucaphage seems to work in a lot of people too but I heard it is hard on your liver. Go to do not get commission on this. I wish I did! If you want to send in a donation to Jews for Jesus in our name that would be wonderful)

 3. I did a diet called Raw Food Boot Camp but kept in a little eggs and fish (wild salmon only) due to the low Vit D It was the ONLY diet that has ever worked for me. You can google it online. It’s not easy but it works. I did 70-80% raw.

4. Healthy at 100 was my favorite health book of all that I read–it looks at the cultures that live over 100 and none of them are vegan but mostly vegetarian. They do eat 10 servings a day of raw veggies.

(I have read hundreds of books on diet and nutrition and this was by far one of the best. Don’t waste your time and money on anything else!)

When I gave up on having any more children, that’s when God gave us a gift of a child.Are you on the aboverubies yahoo group? It is a good way to stay in touch with a lot of women like us!

A marriage book that helped me with my emotions: Created to Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl. I know it’s contraversial but at least read it before you judge. A book about why conceive at all: Be Fruitful and Multiply by Above rubies ministry.Let me know when you get pregnant! Don’t give up!

Love,Rhonda Gordon

Fun phonics game Both of my children are really enjoying this program and if you use my e-mail address, they will give you a discount:

More good book reviews!

Someone in one of my yahoo groups was saying they were really happy that I told them about the book by the Duggars family. That it really encouraged them. I wrote her back with a list of some other books, we’ve been reading lately. These are books I read this summer/fall to my daughter who turned 7 this summer. She really enjoyed them!

Missionary Stories with the Millers by Christian Light (Every chapter is an amazing true story of miracles that happen to missionaries!)

Glady Aylward, Missionaries then and now (One of the chapters in the above book was about her and someone from this group prob gave me this book in my happy box at the AR retreat! My daughter loved the book and we read it twice. Our friend had the cartoon version which we watched but not as good as the book. What this woman endures for the sake of getting the gospel to China is amazing!)

Anita Dittman by Moody Publishers–Just finished this one and couldn’t put it down!!! True story of a girl who was half Jewish who lived in Germany during the Holocaust. She comes to faith in Jesus and her faith is what keeps her going through such difficult times. My daughter told me last night, "Mommy, I knew the Germans were bad to the Jews but I didn’t know that they were that bad!" And this book didn’t tell half of it because it was written for children! But it really made us appreciate so much, what we have here. Esp when you read about people so skinny, their bones are sticking out, going to bed starved and their hair falling out from malnutrition. That just breaks my heart. Makes me really appreciate the abundance we have in this country as well as the fact that I don’t have to be afraid to tell people I am Jewish here. It’s also good for my daughter to see what goes on in the real world!

 I think one lesson my daughter learned was that believing in Jesus does not mean life will always be rosy. He is just there with you during the difficult times and sees you through it! This is an important lesson in itself.

Is Jesus the promised Messiah? This video is good and there are 4 more parts on youtube

More great books!

I just finished Susanna Wesley, Corrie Ten Boome and Love Your husband, Love Yourself.� Excellent Books!� I also highly rec. Fascinating Womanhood.

My husband was on tv recently!

Jews for Jesus will be coming out with a small booklet of my husband and my testimony soon. In the meantime, here is a short version of how my husband found Jesus on CBN!� We come in at the end but they cut my older son out!

Some of My Favorite Books

Large Family Logistics, sold by Vision Forum has a wealth of information!

Managers of their Schedules by Terri Maxwell, Titus 2 ministry is great!

A new book has come out by Above Rubies (Nancy Campbell) called 100 Days of Blessings for women. Excellent!

My all time favorite book is The Way Home by Mary Pride written a long time ago.

Also Fascinating Womanhood and Created to Be His Helpmeet for marriage are wonderful!

For nutrition, I loved Healthy at 100.

Right now, I am trying the diet in the book–The Insulin Resistant Diet. I will keep you updated!

I haven’t wrote in a while and didn’t know if I mentioned that we had our third baby, a boy on Jan 5th, 2010.We are so blessed esp since I was told I was infertile! God is good!

Book Review by Bonita (a reader of this blog)

I absolutely loved the book, Housewives Desperate for God. It gave me a fresh outlook and vision for the task of being a homemaker in the 21st century. It really helped me to realize how the job of housewife is a profession that is looked down upon by must people. This book helped me to discover “the beautiful picture painted in Scripture of the truly fulfilled homemaker who glories in the hopeful calling God created for her”. If you have the time this summer, I hope you can read this book.

The new Duggars book is great!

I learned SO much from reading their new book, A Love the Multiplies which I purchased from Vision Forum. I like the way they structure their day and the conflict resolution strategies are priceless! This was my all time favorite book of the yr that I read : ) I know I always say that!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Not enough money to make ends meet? Tips to live inexpensively and simply!

If you are a homeschool family and live in America (or maybe even England or Australia for that matter), you might be finding a hard time making ends meet. It is def not easy living on one income these days for families. Here are some tips my friends and I have come up with to help you on your journey to be good stewards of the resources God has given you and to stay debt free.
1. If you are thinking of going back to work and you are a mother, I suggest reading, The Way Home by Mary Pride. She has a new edition out now. The book, Created to Be His Help meet by Debi Pearl also helped me tremendously although some can't handle her writing style which is very direct.
2. Food: Many have found good deals at the 99 cents store. Some friends found food co-ops that give away free food from Trader Joe's. WIC has also gotten a lot healthier. If worst scenario, there are always state food banks and church food banks.
3. Recipes to save money: Lentil soup has lasted a long time in my house. Once cup of lentils for three cups of water. Some celery and onions. Cook a half hr. So easy to make and tastes great!
4. Do not be tempted to use your credit card. If money runs out, do without! Our family loves the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace workshops. He sells curriculum for homeschoolers now too!
5. Hair dye: Buy it on sale at the drug store and stock up or wear a hat! (an actual biblical and historical practice for women)
6. Breakfast ideas: Fruit is cheap, good for you and filling. Eggs and bulk oatmeal are still pretty inexpensive. Bulk cook pancakes and freeze for later.
7. More food thoughts: Rethink the three meals a day idea..are we over eating? Soups are filling. Again, apples are great! Think you need meat? Read the book, Healthy at 100. While I don't subscribe to all his religious thoughts, the four cultures that live over 100 in the world, hardly ever eat meat, only on holidays with the exception of one culture that eats a ton of fish.
(But the key to their health was walking, being active and eating 10 servings of raw veggies a day!)
8. Mall: Don't go if you can't go without buying something. Same goes for clicking on those groupon advertisements. Don't read it if you can't help but indulge. Just because something is a deal doesn't mean you need it!
9. Free things for kids: Museums have free days, parks, picnics, walking, games outside, board games inside, libraries (which also have dvds), parks and recs usually have free or reduced price classes, including music lessons. Music can keep children entertained for hours. (remember the Sound of Music?) Note --Be weary of late fees at the library! If the kids, say they are bored--tell them to help clean! They'll find something to do quickly. Always works in my house!
10. How to books: Get a book on how to grow a garden or how to give your children haircuts!
Above all--pray! God promised to provide our NEEDS.
"Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" Matthew 6:26

Happy and Healthy Kids in a Crazy World--Intro

I wrote this on my old blog in 2007 and wanted to reiterate it here:
All my life, I grew up thinking that someday, I would be "somebody." We women are taught from the time that we are in elementary school that we can be anything a man can be and more. Then, we spend thousands of dollars, time and energy in universities studying for a profession. We may even get to work in that profession for a while. But once we have children, everything changes...
Yes, we can continue to work and many women do for various reasons BUT something suffers. Usually BOTH work and homelife are compromised. In addition, women are stressed, tired and their health is at risk. Now the choice that I was blessed to choose (because I know some women do not have a choice) was stay home and be there as much as I can for my children.
A woman is so excited when she has a baby. As soon as she is pregnant, she looks forward to having that child in her arms. What she doesn't realize is how much her life changes after that baby. From waking up in the middle of the night to feed the baby repeatedly, to changing stinking diapers, to running in and out of the shower quickly because the baby is crying for you, to not being able to even go to the bathroom alone--it is an adjustment to say the least. One, most of us are not prepared for.
In addition, most of us don't live near our families anymore. Personally, living on the westcoast is across the continent from my parents in NYC. However, even those that do live near our family have a hard time getting along with them around the children. Why? Because our parents learned things differently then we did and do things differently. My mother didn't breastfeed at all. She was told formula was superior. She can't understand why I breastfeed. She thinks I am "crazy." My grandmother-in-law was taught to let babies cry because it is good for the lungs, even when they are newborn and even when they are hungry! One family member says to make the child finish everything on their plate and the other family member says not to. One grandparent wants to give the child candy to make them their friend and the other is complaining how "chubby" the child's getting.
So how can we produce happy and healthy kids is a world that doesn't even know what that looks like?
Stay tuned as I share more ideas.......

Passover and Jesus

Some people were asking me about Passover and so here are some things I wrote.

During the seder, the matzo, that is the three in one is broken. One of the three peices is broken and wrapped in white linen and hidden from view. Buried! Later, it has to be redeemed by the children. See some parallels yet?

The rabbis have no idea where this originated from, these three in one? We think it was a messianic Jewish origination.

On Passover, the matzo and the third cup of wine, the cup of redemption is taken to remember the blood and body of the lamb that's blood was over the homes of the Israelites and saved them from death. In the same way, when Jesus said "do this in rememberance of me." This was during Passover time when they were remembering the lamb that was killed. He said now remember his body and blood. He was the lamb who's bones were never broken as prophesied.

Interestingly, the fourth cup is the cup of Hallel which means praise and we can't praise God until after redemption. It is the third cup, the cup of redemption that Jesus says not only to remember the blood of the lamb but to remember Him!

Another interesting fact is that in Judaism,during that time, if a man wanted to marry a woman, he would have to drink from a cup with his soon to be father-in-law and by drinking from that cup, he was saying he would love her till death and would die for her. That is why he says, this is a new covenenat in my blood. Jer 31:31. This is all the origin of communion.

The blood of Y'shua saves us from the death of sin. The matzah is unleavened. Levine in the bible signals sin and matzah is without sin. The matzah that is broken, buried and brought back is with out levin just like Jesus! Also Jesus was burried in white linens.

Interestingly, the rabbis can't figure out why the 3 in 1 matzo. But when they say, "Here O'Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One," they use the word "echad" which is a plural one, not singular. Just like two people are married and become one or a cluster of grapes is many grapes but one cluster.

The Matzo also has pierces in it just like He was pierced and it has stripes just like Jesus was striped (whipped). See Isaiah 53 and Zechariah 12:10.

A rule in Passover by the way is that the lambs bones could never be broken just like Jesus' bones were never broken.

Y'shua died at the very same time that some of the lambs were being sacrificed in the temple.

Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. (see John). The Jewish people on Passover open up the door, waiting for Eliyahu to come in and announce the coming of the Messiah but Jesus says that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah.

On Passover, there is a lamb's bone that lies on the table to remind us of these sacrifices that we once did that we no longer can do. Why not? There is no temple to do them but what does the Bible say? Leviticus 17:11, "It is the blood that makes atonement for the soul."

The rabbis try to pray, fast and do good deeds on Yom Kippur hoping that their name will be written in the Book of life but what does God's word say? Blood atonement is needed! Y'shua, Jesus did that for us!

Well how is that for starters?

Feel free to support our ministry! Go to and request to support the Godons! God bless!

Found a Gem Health Book

I have read almost every book out there and this one is worth the read! It's called Perfect Health the natural way and the writer is a Christian. Her name is Mary-Ann Shearer.
Some of her tips:
Eat three peices of fruit every morning for breakfast with nothing else.
Eat avocado every day to kick cravings for fat.
If you are a vegetarian, eat nuts three times per week (about a half a cup)
Don't mix protien and carbs
Eat 80% raw
If you can, stay away from dairy and gluten. It takes 6 weeks to see if you are gluten intolerant.
I blew this all today but there's always tomorrow!