Friday, October 21, 2011

Home All Day--Now what?

April 18, 2007
I remember when I quit my job to stay home with my children. I would call my husband a thousand times through out the day just to hear an adult voice. Then, we joined the YMCA mommy and me classes. That was fun with the first child. We would sing songs, do parachute time, do swimming. But when you have more then one kid, it can get pricey to go to gymboree, music and gymnastic classes. Also, the older child doesn’t seem to enjoy sitting around 1 yr olds singing itsy bitsy spider. And mommy and me swimming? Well, that’s out of the question at this point.So does a mom do with her children who are too young to be schooled? Here are some helpful ideas! Feel free to post your own!

We start our day by playing music. We change the music often. Sometimes its worship songs. Other times, it’s aerobic cds from when I used to teach aerobics. Sometimes, it’s the freeze dance. I try to time how long we listen. At least a half hour. We dance around, do aerobics, jump on the bed! Yes! If I could afford it, I’d buy a trampoline, one for each of my children! Sometimes, I let my 4 yr old be the aerobic teacher. She tells me what to do and we do it. This is one way to praise the Lord and get your exercise in!

Next, we lie in bed and read a children’s bible. Now sometimes it’s not in this order. Sometimes we read our bible first and dance second, depending on our mood.

Third, we eat breakfast. Oatmeal with soy milk, cereal with soy milk, fresh fruit, egg beaters with veggies and once in a while pancakes. I try to have my daughter help with the prep process.

By now it’s almost 9:30AM. Time to dress and shower.Then, what? Here are some ideas:

Coloring, art projects, playdough, blocks, puzzles, games, books, hide and seek, freeze dance again, cars for the little one, dolls for the older one, gears, gears, gears, lincoln logs, ball, volleyball, soccer, ride a bike, do an exercie video, play a computer game (the learning kind) or go on an outing….Parks, museums, the zoo, the beach, walk around the neighborhood with a paper bag and find things, indoor play structures, music classes, mommy and me at the parks and recs, the library, playdates with friends.

1 PM–time for the little ones nap and quiet time for the older child. This is my favorite time to read a bible, a book, a devotion and just rest!

3PM–have a snack and time to clean the house. I usually will pick one room and try to get it tidy as can be. The kids love to help, esp when it comes to laundry. Teach them young!

Now, it’s time to prepare dinner. Again, the older one can help. The younger one may have to play pretend kitchen.After dinner, you got bathtime, book time prayer time and bedtime! It goes quickly!

Tips: Sometimes my kids get wound up in the bath at night and I give them one during the day.I find my daughter cleans her room better in the morning then at night.

Rod and Staff makes great preschool workbooks!
Hallellujah Acres makes cleaning products that are hazard free. has really fun toys! I just found out about them. We just bought a game on manners good for ages 5 and up. They have moon shoes that have trampolines on them–on my wishlist!

Kids are happier when they get sunshine and exercise. When they pray and read the bible too!Programs with child programs for the young: MOPS International (Mothers of and CBS, Community Bible Study). I LOVE CBS! It’s a bible study for people of all denominations and has a great children’s program!

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